Automating with ADHD

Unlock Efficiency and Productivity

A 6-week course designed to empower individuals with the skills to automate their daily workflows and overcome their executive function barriers.


Six Weeks


Six Sessions


Two Hours Per Session

Automate The Boring Stuff!

The Automating with ADHD course is an online masterclass that teaches, trains, and supports you in developing game-changing automations you can rely on.

In this course, you'll learn how to template, automate, and alleviate many common sources of stress, including:

  • Overflowing Email Inboxes

  • Project Planning Overwhelm

  • Never Ending Task Management

  • Monotonous Manual Data Entry

Unlock your creativity and free up misused time for the things that truly matter. By joining the Beta testing cohort you'll be one of the first, and you'll get extra materials future members will pay extra for!

What it’s all about

Join me in this unique, six-part workshop series, specifically designed for neurodivergent individuals, where we delve into the world of workflow automation. I'll show you how to harness the power of no-code automation tools to supercharge your productivity and organization. As someone with ADHD, I can't stress enough how transformative these techniques have been for me, providing the freedom to be my own boss while reducing stress, fatigue, and boredom.

1. Introduction to Workflow Automation

Let's kick things off by exploring what workflow automation really is, and how automation for ADHD differs from general workflow automation. Together, we'll investigate how it can help neurodivergent individuals like us boost productivity, and I'll show you how to start with popular automation tools.

2. Automating Repetitive Tasks

Next, let's free up more time for the things that truly matter. I'll demonstrate how to automate those repetitive tasks that often drain your focus and energy. You'll see real examples and get hands-on experience setting up your own automations.

3. Organizing and Prioritizing Work

Staying organized is crucial, especially when you're managing multiple projects or tasks. Join me as I show you how to use tools like Notion and Things to keep your work organized and prioritized.

4. Managing Email and Communication

Let's face it, managing emails and other forms of communication can be overwhelming. I'll demonstrate how to use automation tools to sort, prioritize, and manage your communications more effectively.

5. Time Management and Productivity

Time is our most precious resource. Let me show you how to harness automation for better time management and productivity. You'll learn to use tools that can help you track your time and identify activities that could be wasting your energy.

6. Advanced Workflow Automation

Finally, we'll look at the future of workflow automation. I'll guide you through advanced techniques, including the use of AI and chatbots to automate even more complex tasks.

Who's it for?

You are a:

  • Mac User

  • Post-Secondary Student or Knowledge Worker

  • And

  • Experience problems with Executive Function

You've heard of:

  • Google Workspace (Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Docs, Sheets)

  • ChatGPT/Claude

  • Notion is committed to assisting individuals with executive dysfunction, encompassing conditions such as ADHD, ASD, TBI, depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders.Our primary objective is to teach these individuals how to automate their daily tasks, reducing the burden of routine stressors like email management and repetitive actions. By offering hands-on experience with leading automation tools, we aim to enhance organization, streamline communication, and elevate overall productivity and time management.

In the Beta Trial, we'll focus on no-code tools, including Gmail, Google Calendar, Make, Slack, Discord, Notion, Hazel, ChatGPT,, and Timing, supplemented by additional utilities from Setapp, not to mention Apple's own Shortcuts.If you're unfamiliar with any of these applications, there's no cause for concern. An eagerness to learn is paramount. For those needing an introduction, we provide foundational material in a self-paced format.In addition to the course fee, participants will benefit from acquiring specific applications to maximize their learning experience. I've endeavored to secure partner discounts for software that doesn't offer a free version.*Please note: Some sections of this course are tailored specifically for Mac users. This includes several exclusive software offers from our partners. If you are not a Mac user, but are interested in participating regardless, please get in touch with me first.

Meet the Instructor

A black and white headshot of Chris Cameron wearing glasses

Hey there!I’m Chris Cameron. A Workflow Engineering and Process Automation Expert with over a decade of experience. I’m the founder of Satellite, a company dedicated to helping neurodivergent individuals and small businesses optimize their daily workflows.As an entrepreneur and dad, I’m passionate about work-life balance and exploring neurodivergence for personal and professional growth. My work is driven by efficiency, innovation, and empathy, ensuring technology serves people, and not the other way around.Get to know me better using the links below!

Our Partners

"I knew that in order to build a course that offered outstanding value, I would need to team up with outstanding partners.This is an ongoing effort. I work on outreach weekly in order to secure new partnerships and continue adding value to the course!" -- Chris C.

Unlock Unparalleled Value

Beta Cohort

Coming Early 2024

*Join the waitlist for exclusive access to Beta Cohort pricing. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis. Don't miss your chance to take part in this incredible opportunity!Pre-registration participants will receive lifetime access to our exclusive resources and special partner pricing from some of our favourite software providers and platforms.

Enroll in the Beta Cohort now at an exclusive price of $699
Future cohorts will enroll at the regular price of $999

Trust in the unparalleled quality of Automation with ADHD. With utmost confidence in the course's transformative power, I offer a solid 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you're not completely blown away by the transformative power of the skills you acquire, I assure a full refund if it doesn't exceed your expectations.But there's more. As an inaugural member of the Beta cohort, you'll secure a privileged 'golden ticket', granting access to all future course upgrades and enhancements. This means lifetime access to exclusive content, updated techniques, and advanced tools — a privilege that future Automators will only be able to access through an ongoing subscription.These workflows have been transformative for me. They've given me the freedom to be my own boss and dramatically reduced my stress levels. I want to share this liberation with you!Are you ready to join me on this journey to a more organized, productive, and fulfilling life?Let's get started!

The Benefits of Enrolling

  • New Skills - Leave the course with a new set of skills that will help you level up your personal productivity, decrease stress, free up time, and recapture your creative potential!

  • Exclusive Resources - Automators get access to advanced workflows in The Learning Lab (lifetime access for alpha members)

  • Weekly Office Hours - Each Automator is invited to take advantage of a weekly 15 minute 1:1 call with Chris

  • Discussion Forum - Automators are encouraged to gather and discuss their workflows, share ideas, and help each other work through any difficulties they encounter

  • Partner Discounts - Exclusive discounts from some of our favourite software developers and other educators

  • Ceritficate of Completion - Automators leave the course with a certificate of completion

Don't miss your chance to become a founding member of the automation community

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